Tuesday 11 September 2012

Mona lisa

The above picture can not strengthen the theory that Mona Lisa is Leonardo Da Vinci,the creator.Some people believe that Leonardo Da Vinci paint himself ,because a Monalisa picture and Leonardo Da Vinci look the same.

Mona lisa whose real name is Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a rich silk merchant in Florence, Italy, Francesco del Giocondo. Mona means MS or MADAM in modern Italian language has long been regarded as a model.

Mona Lisa is a masterpiece of Leonardo Da Vinci's painting of the 15th century. Now it is kept in the Louvre, Paris, France. Mona Lisa painting popular as a result of the painting showing art as animate. This painting was painted for 4 years but never finished after that. Therefore, there are some defects in this painting where the subject of this painting has no eyebrows and painting background looks too dull.

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